domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017

Welcome to India

India is a big Country, it’s located in south Asia and borders with: China, Nepal and Bhutan to the North, Indian Ocean to the South, Pakistan to the West, Bangladesh and Birmania to the East. Its Capital is New Delhi, India is a country with Republic Federal composed by 29 states and 7 territories of the union, with a system parliamentary.  India is  the second most populated  country  with about inhabitants.

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Image 1. taken from:

India has a SubTropical weather  and In Tropical, its landscape is very diverse: There are: jungles, Deserts, woods.

The Peacock, Bengal Tiger, Lotus Flower are some of the National symbols of India.

Resultado de imagen para tigre de bengala Resultado de imagen para pavo real Resultado de imagen para flor de loto
Image 2. taken from:

the official language in India is Indi.
the typical food is Curry, the favorite ingredients are: spice, rice and vegetables.
Resultado de imagen para curry especia

India is a republic with a large number of religions for example the hinduism, the Buddhism, the Jainism, the Sikhism.

Resultado de imagen para religion en india Resultado de imagen para budismoResultado de imagen para jainismo

Grass hockey
Resultado de imagen para deporte de india

The representative festivals

Resultado de imagen para holi festival
  •  Holy festival known as celebration of spring and love.
  • Date : March
  • dynamics: throw powder of colors.

Imagen relacionada
  • Diwali: known as celebration of new year 
  •  date : october. 
their dance is an expression of inner beauty , is a deliberate art.

The economy

The currency is the rupia india,is the third economy in growth of world, based in the agriculture, industry, trade and services.
Imagen relacionada

It´s main tourist attractions

* Tal Mahal
* Lake Palace

Resultado de imagen para taj mahal en india

Resultado de imagen para lake palace india

  * Park Kanha

Resultado de imagen para Park Kanha en india

The representative characters

  • Imagen relacionadaMahatma Gandhi(pacifist, leader,politician and thinker).

    Resultado de imagen para Rabindranath Tagore
  • Rabindranath Tagore(writer, playwright, poet, painter, pedagogue and composer, he received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1917).

  • Indira Gandhi(first Minister of India).
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Biography:  Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi was born in new Delhi- India  on   october 2 ,1869. His parents were karamchand Gandhi (Father) and  Putlibai Gandhi (Mother). At 13 years old his parents arranged their marriage with  Kasturba Gandhi in 1883.  He began his studies in law and jurisprudence in 1888.He begins to show to the public light, his social discomfort, which manifests through the national congress of india in 1915.
Gandhi was recognised for be a leader and pacifist, defense of the justice, the human rights and life.
gandhi in 1930 led the Salt March that demanded the autonomy for salt production, event that help the Indian independence  which was given in 1931.
is murder in 1948 to the 72 year old.

Volunteering in Indian

The objective of this volunteering is to teach literacy to children in this country, because despite being one of the largest economies in the world, according to (UNESCO 2014)“India currently has the largest population of illiterate adults in the world with 287 million. This is 37 per cent of the global total. While India’s literacy rate rose from 48 per cent in 1991 to 63 per cent in 2006”,this is attributed to corruption.

Resultado de imagen para niños en indiaResultado de imagen para niños en india


cultural diversity. 
 very polluted air, for example : New Delhi
Tourist attractions.
Dirt and lack of hygiene.
Appreciation of its Architecture. 
It´s overpopulation. 
His beautiful landscapes. 
The poor and deficient transportation.
Know and experience some new. 
Female inequality

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